WHS Mr. Loeff

Online Teaching 3/16-4/3:

Students and Parents,


I recognize that we are in uncharted territory here as we do our best to help flatten the curve and slow the spread of COVID-19 by continuing learning online. There are many resources available to ensure all students have access to online curriculum. Please contact me if you need assistance accessing these resources. I will be using Google Classroom to post assignments that must be completed by students at home and turned in via Google Classroom. The content of these assignments will be a review from previous courses and previous units from their current course. It is very important that students complete this work while the school is on dismissal. If students need help with assignments, I will be available via email to offer support. We are in this together and I am here to support my students in any way I can as students continue to learn.

Class Codes for Google Classrooms:
Period 0: m6wek3w
Period 1: ylvj6bw
Period 2: hauhpa4
Period 4: vvf71b1   those are two v's, not a w
Period 5: 4jnnyov