Enrollment & Registration » Enrollment & Registration

Enrollment & Registration

Now Accepting Online Enrollment
Whittier High School Enrollment Procedures
Enrollment packets are now digital, electronic forms online only. We no longer have copies in office. Please include the following documents through your online enrollment application:
  1. Immunization records (must be up to date and include your child's name and D.O.B)
  2. Unofficial transcript (must have school information, no screenshots of grade report)
  3. Withdrawal report (applies to any student who previously attended another high school)
  4. Two proofs of residency (the following is accepted):
    1. Utility bill (water, gas, trash, electricity- dated within the last 60 days with mailing and service address)
    2. Driver's license/Photo ID
    3. Mortgage/Rental/Lease agreement
    4. Property taxes
    5. Paycheck stub
    6. Voter Registration mailer
    7. Government agency correspondence
  5. Birth Certificate- Please provide only for students enrolling from a private school, out of state, or out of the country.
**Please note, we do not accept internet, phone, bank statements or disconnect notices.

If applicable, the following items may be needed prior to enrollment:

  1. IEP
    1. Special Education documents are required prior to enrollment to ensure appropriate placement of the student.
  2. Section 504 plan- Please provide a current copy
  3. Language Assessment (CELDT)
  4. Expulsion Documents
  5. Medical Orders
  6. Court documentation
**Please inform the Guidance Office staff if the registering student is in foster care.

Upon completion of the enrollment online, an appointment will be scheduled with a school counselor for enrollment after all documents are verified and reviewed. 

How to begin enrollment- Please select one of the two options from the drop-down arrows below
My Student:
**WUHSD will receive all of your student's information from your current local middle school listed below**
~ Parents will use Aeries to verify their information and fill out documentation for the new school year after JULY 5th, 2021 ~
Whittier Area Middle Schools include the following schools:
Andrews, Dexter, East Whittier, Edwards, Granada, Graves, Hillview,
Lake Center, Lakeside, and Los Nietos

Thank you for continuing to be part of the WUHSD family!

Registration for your child’s new school year begins with an EASY, ONLINE process!

In July and August, before the first day of school, parents will see a banner on their Aeries Portal account that says, “Data Not Confirmed.” Parents are required to review annual notifications and update student information by clicking on the banner. Completing this process creates the student’s Emergency Card for the new school year.

The new Emergency Card is required for back-to-school registration.


Aeries Portal Link

^ Click Here ^




Parent Portal Instructional Video

^ Click Here ^



If you've recently moved within the Whittier High School attendance boundaries or are new to our district and want to enroll your student to our school, please click below.


Online Enrollment Link

^ Click Here ^


If you are unsure what school you are supposed to attend,

look up your residence address in our

Home School Look Up


Your assigned high school will contact you to schedule an enrollment appointment.

If you do not receive a call within 5 business days, please contact the school's guidance office.

Click here to find contact information for all WUHSD schools. 

Need Help? Please use the information below to contact our office for enrollment inquiries.
Contact Information:
Guidance Office Telephone (562) 698-8121 x 2030 or 2031 
Guidance Office Fax (562) 907- 6955
Guidance Office Hours:
7:30- 4:00 pm
Hours may vary due to holidays/ site meetings
Guidance Clerical Staff:
Sr. Administrative Clerk
Administrative Clerk
Pearl Mendoza
Registration and Student Data Specialist