Our School » Current Construction Projects

Current Construction Projects

We appreciate everyone's patience and flexibility during these projects. Our campus is getting the attention it deserves and our staff and students will benefit greatly once the work is all completed. Please contact the Business and Activities Office at 562-698-8121 x2010 if you have any questions or concerns.
  • We are currently working on some roof repairs on the D Building. The project will not impact any classroom activity but will have some impacts on staff and student path of travel. We have fenced off the service road that runs along the front lawn next to the D Building adjacent to the library. Although this creates some inconvenience it is absolutely necessary for the safety of our staff and students. The walkway between the C and D Building is open only from building to building and with access to the horseshoe. The front lawn cannot be accessed from the walkway as that area will remain fenced off. 
  • The Lighting Project is ongoing and will continue through the next several weeks. Currently the lighting contractor is working on the locker rooms and the gym. We are looking to be completed with all interior lighting in mid-February, hopefully earlier. We will keep all staff informed if there are any major changes to the timeline. 
  • The parking lot project is continuing and is currently still on schedule. Progress continues to be made and we are hoping to have this project completed before the end of the school year. I will be receiving an updated timeline soon and will keep the staff informed.