Rental Info

See this file to read rental policies and auditorium specifications and amenities.
Application for School Use
We are now using an online application called "Civic Permits/Facility Use".  The link is on the front page of WHS's website on the right side.   You must register, select an email & password.  An email will be sent to you to activate your account. Click on the link in the email to sign in with the email and password that you registered with at  to request your date, time, facility, etc. click on "New Permit Request".  Make sure you "Add" the date, time & also choose "Submit" at the bottom. A million dollar liability certificate of insurance naming Whittier High School and Whittier Union High School District as additional insured must also be uploaded.

A "HOW TO" pdf file is linked below.

Once our office receives an email about your request we will review it, and submit it to our site administrator for approval.  If it is approved or not, you will receive an email of the status of your request.  An invoice will be created & emailed to you.

If you have any questions please contact Elizabeth Correa in the WHS Business & Activities Office 562-698-8121 ext. 2010 or by email [email protected]